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Haba Mobile Parachuters

$10.00 Regular price $19.99
by Haba
The Parachuters Mobile not only adds an element of style and imagination to your baby’s nursery, it promotes both healthy visual stimulation and brain development. Your baby will focus on these whimsical moving images shortly before falling asleep or after waking up. This focusing object is a great way to keep your baby engaged during wakeful moments, long before you’ve entered the nursery to retrieve them.

The mobile features suspended and painted wooden figurines, depicting a red airplane piloted by a smiling white dog. From the open door of the plane, an adventurous group of animals in colorful jumpsuits descend toward your baby at different distances. At the closest proximity, a smiling frog has already deployed his red and white striped parachute with a bear, a cat, and a mouse not far behind.

Because the wooden animals are suspended on a line, they’re free to rotate as they would if they were truly embarking on an adventure, sailing through the sky under the safety of their parachutes.

HABA recommends suspending this mobile from the ceiling using a standard cup hook and the included fishing wire. Mounting hardware is not included.

SKU: 4010168243467